
Lite deppad, saknar min syster Marielle så.

Fastän hon har varit borta i 7 år känns det jobbigt ändå.

Blir påmind ibland genom ett kort, en sång en doft...

Skrev en dikt nu på kvällen för att hedra hennes minne.

Light a candle for you

Everybody has a story,

but this story isn´t mine.

It belongs to my sister,

but she´s in heaven up above.

I want to tell you about her struggle in life,

how she tried to live life right.

If you don´t get Love and Respect when you are young,

Life will make you wrung...

I want to light a candle for you,

and for all others who are still struggling today.

Never losing hope, we shall fighting to the end.

And when life ends,

Angels from heaven bring us home.

Till minne av Marielle

Älskad - Saknad

Varje dag


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